Please rank the following ideas for improving the CIVS voting service. If you think an idea is bad, rank it below "do nothing ranked below this". You can also write in new ideas, but do check the list to see if your idea is already there. Your feedback is appreciated!

CIVS is an open-source project on GitHub, and you are also welcome to try implementing your ideas. If you're not happy with any of the language translations, please let us know by making a GitHub pull request or opening an issue there.

Note that some of these ideas have been partly or completely implemented. Voters can now change their votes; it's possible to send ballots only to non-voters; and there is more protection against ballot stuffing. Some ideas are impossible to implement without weakening the privacy protections of the system, like seeing the list of people who voted.

Only the 10 favorite choices will win the poll.
The poll ends in due course. The poll supervisor is Andrew Myers ( Contact the poll supervisor if you need help.

Give each of the following choices a rank, where a smaller-numbered rank means that you prefer that choice more. For example, give your top choice the rank 1. Give choices the same rank if you have no preference between them. You do not have to use all the possible ranks. All choices initially have the lowest possible rank.

 Choice Rank
Add the "Stable Voting" method. (write-in)
Allow distributing ballots as individual QR codes (write-in)
Support more Condorcet completion algorithms.
When adding a write-in, don't throw away my rankings so far.
Add an option to make the poll supervisor's e-Mail private. (write-in)
allow donations in Bitcoin (write-in)
Add secondary interface in which 1v1 face-offs can be used instead of ranking the options
Be able to manually choose the language on the home page and the invitation email rather than automatically basing it on the user's browser preferences
Limit the number of choice e.g., Select the top three candidates (write-in)
Show times with local timezone in election results.
Allow multiple questions per poll.
Support comparison with Simple Majority vote.
Allow supervisors to send private keys personally.
Provide a link for the poll results on the "Poll Control" page.
Implement single transferable vote (STV) (write-in)
Make it clear during creation what can and can't be updated after poll is created (write-in)
Existing votes should rank new write-ins as "No opinion", not last place.
Make current results visible even before a poll is closed, even for private polls.
Use Margin-Based methods as well as winning votes, as these are more fair methods. (write-in)
Allow changing your vote before the vote closes.
Allow polls to be created with defined ranks and a custom default rank. (write-in)
Allow candidates to decline involvement in election, with result calculated using the reduced list.
Have a mandatory "non of the above" option. (write-in)
Allow people to see how a poll is going before it closes.
Use "Additive" Ranked Ballot: counting the 1st choices & then is no-one has 50%, ADDING IN the next choices & so on till someone finally does. (write-in)
Optimize web page for small/mobile screens.
Elections where individuals vote with a variable number of admin-specified shares.
Allow adding votes
Allow user to manually switch language away from what browser preferences state. Some translations are impossible to understand.
Allow users to see a list of polls they are able to vote in after first activation of their address (write-in)
Allow turning off any kind of verification and just let people vote multiple times (voter may be on the same network)
Allow some form of voter signature.
Poll option to have an acceptability threshold pseudo-choice.
See who has voted so far
Eliminate ballot quantity limitations for test polls. Will allow for weighted ballots.
Require a CAPTCHA for rank submissions and/or write-ins
Add an option for private polls to be automatically closed when everyone has voted
Election supervisor-defined text field for the beginning of system mail subject line.
Support Greek.
Do not publish email in plain text.
Support Japanese.
Allow definition of pop-up descriptions for each poll choice
Allow option to reveal list of people who voted, but without their ballots.
Option to reveal who has already voted without displaying what they voted for (write-in)
Improve the user interface for voting.
Restrict to one rank per vote (no ties, so cannot select multiple candidates as #1)
Get rid of IP filtering for public polls, it stops two people from voting from behind the same NAT.
Allow long press to select as an alternative to shift-click (write-in)
Support sending results by email through the system.
Make the default "no opinion" instead of last place, when "no opinion" is an option. (write-in)
Allow poll supervisors to require an authorized GPG signature for each ballot, from a list of fingerprints. (write-in)
Allow null ranking, including the 'null choice' as a 'pseudo-candidate': a preference profile can look like A > ∅ > ∅ > B = C. (write-in)
Add option to re-send ballots ONLY to non-voters, to avoid spamming those who already voted.
Switch to "radio buttons" when poll has only two choices.
Automatic time-based closing of polls.
Support Norwegian.
Allow the poll supervisor to edit features of the poll such as who can see the results.
Allow voters to edit their vote after the fact (in case of accidents) (write-in)
Do nothing ranked below this
In Condorcet-IRV, solve last place ties by counting 2nd last, etc.
Allow a candidate to be removed after the election has been started.
Add STAR Voting Method (write-in)
Add support for STV multiple winner: Schulze, CPO, Meek, Warren.
More detailed definition of CIVS RP (write-in)
Provide the option not adding "(write-in)" to the name of write-in candidates. (write-in)
Support Russian.
Allow supervisor to change public poll so it is publicized on home page or make that the default for public polls
Require a memory-hard proof of work for each ballot to avoid spam (write-in)
Update process for opt-in to private polls. New 4/21 rule unclear and too many steps for participants. (write-in)
Support Dutch (write-in)
In anonymous votes, optionally show which people voted already/not yet. This would allow poll supervisors to follow up with slow voters. (write-in)
Allow customizing the polls presented after finishing a vote (write-in)
Allow removal of poll results by the administrator after poll closes (write-in)
Support Range Voting.
Make IP-based voting ("Already voted") optional, for multiple voters on the same network (write-in)
Option to show list of invited email addresses to voters, to prevent ballot stuffing.
Allow polls that can be repeated (e.g., for daily restaurant choice).
tsc (write-in)
Support IRV elections.
Allow voter to check and revise vote, until vote is closed.
Provide poll setting to determine tallying method in advance. (No ambiguity afterwards.) (write-in)
Have Punjabi as a Language of Choice for Gurdwara Elections (write-in)
Allow option to only accept ballots with a strict complete ordering.
Support SSL/TLS to protect against network adversaries (e.g., employers).
Make the "Only X will win" optional. In some cases we just need a ranked list. (write-in)
Tie votes to something other than IP address for those with NAT addresses.
Support https- and GPG-encrypted mail.
Report raw Condorcet results without completion algorithms - Condorcet winners and groups of Smith/Schwartz sets
Make results universally verifiable.
Please add a possiblity in the email to mark that a poll is abusive/spam/fraud/harassing (write-in)
Allow write-in entries to be case-sensitive.
Add approval voting or contrast it with ranked choice on the inital page (write-in)
Single click to "resend emails to those who have not voted yet" (write-in)
Allow access to all previous closed polls. (write-in)
Support French (write-in)
None of hyphen, en-dash, or em-dash worked for uploading files with no preference (write-in)
Allow the organiser to edit the poll before it is started. (write-in)
allow supervisors to add categories for poll (politics, films, novels, etc.) and allow sorting of polls on home page by category

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Show QR code for this poll.

If you have already voted, you may see the current poll results.