Test vote - Open edX 2023 Election (TOC)

Poll supervisor: Open edX Project <xavier@opencraft.com>

The poll has ended. [ See poll results ]

Actual time poll closed:
Total authorized voters: 2
Votes actually cast so far: 2
Announced end of poll:
Email load: 0.00
Write-in choices are not allowed.
Detailed ballot reporting is enabled.
Voter identities will be kept anonymous


This is a test vote, to prepare for the Open edX 2023 Elections of the community members of the TOC.


The top 2 choices will win.

Add voters

Enter email addresses of voters, one per line. These may be new voters or existing voters who have not voted yet. In a private poll, giving the email address of an already existing voter will not let that voter vote twice. It will only resend the voter an invitation to vote. In a public poll, only a token attempt is made to prevent multiple voting.

Upload file:

 Invite even voters who have already voted?