Supervisor: Allison Price <>
Announced end of poll: Poll ends January 10 at 1700 UTC
Actual time poll closed:
This is a public poll.
Actual votes cast: 186
Number of winning choices:
Condorcet completion rule:    (What is this?)
CIVS Ranked Pairs
Bottom-2 Runoff

Poll description

This poll is hosted by the OpenInfra Foundation and open to members of the OpenStack community to select the name for the 2025.2 OpenStack 'F' Release.


1. Flamingo  (Condorcet winner: wins contests with all other choices)
2. Fjord  loses to Flamingo by 114–63
3. Fennec  loses to Flamingo by 122–52, loses to Fjord by 95–73
4. Firkin  loses to Flamingo by 144–30, loses to Fennec by 101–56

For simplicity, some details of the poll result are not shown. 

Result details

1. Flamingo   -114 122 144
2. Fjord   63 -95 127
3. Fennec   52 73 -101
4. Firkin   30 39 56 -

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