Supervisor: Sam <>
Announced end of poll: 26/03/20
Poll has not yet ended.
This is a public poll.
Actual votes cast: 10
Number of winning choices:
Condorcet completion rule:    (What is this?)
CIVS Ranked Pairs

Poll description

A single winner poll to decide what ability advancement system to use in Liminal En Garde! "SCR" is "skill check result". All references to rolls refer to the die roll made to use the ability, not the SCR.


1. Abilities improve by 0.25 on a roll of "5" or "6"  (Not defeated in any contest vs. another choice)
2. If your ability is 0-7 it improves by 0.25 on a roll of "5 or 6". From 7-10 it improves on a roll of "6"
3. Abilities improve by 0.25 on a roll of "6", loses to If your ability is 0-7 it improves by 0.25 on a roll of "5 or 6". From 7-10 it improves on a roll of "6" by 7–2
4. Tied:
Abilities improve by 0.25 if your SCR is less than or equal to your 7 - current ability, loses to Abilities improve by 0.25 on a roll of "6" by 5–4
Each time you have the possibility to increase some ability, you roll against it (1d6 for AA, MA or MdA, 3d6 for expertise In a weapon , STR or CON). If the roll is higher than the ability, it increases 1 full point. If the roll is equal or lower than the ability, it does not improve, but a +1 will apply for any such roll for this ability until it improves., loses to Abilities improve by 0.25 on a roll of "6" by 6–3

For simplicity, some details of the poll result are not shown.  

Result details

1. Abilities improve by 0.25 on a roll of "5" or "6"   -5 9 9 7
2. If your ability is 0-7 it improves by 0.25 on a roll of "5 or 6". From 7-10 it improves on a roll of "6"   5 -7 8 6
3. Abilities improve by 0.25 on a roll of "6"   0 2 -5 6
4. Abilities improve by 0.25 if your SCR is less than or equal to your 7 - current ability   1 1 4 -4
5. Each time you have the possibility to increase some ability, you roll against it (1d6 for AA, MA or MdA, 3d6 for expertise In a weapon , STR or CON). If the roll is higher than the ability, it increases 1 full point. If the roll is equal or lower than the ability, it does not improve, but a +1 will apply for any such roll for this ability until it improves.   3 3 3 4 -

Ballot report

 Abilities improve by 0.25 on a roll of "6" Abilities improve by 0.25 on a roll of "5" or "6" If your ability is 0-7 it improves by 0.25 on a roll of "5 or 6". From 7-10 it improves on a roll of "6" Abilities improve by 0.25 if your SCR is less than or equal to your 7 - current ability Each time you have the possibility to increase some ability, you roll against it (1d6 for AA, MA or MdA, 3d6 for expertise In a weapon , STR or CON). If the roll is higher than the ability, it increases 1 full point. If the roll is equal or lower than the ability, it does not improve, but a +1 will apply for any such roll for this ability until it improves.
1. 5 1 5 5 5
2. 5 2 3 4 1
3. 5 4 2 3 1
4. 2 2 3 4 4
5. 4 1 3 2 5
6. 3 2 1 4 5
7. 2 1 3 5 4
8. 4 2 1 3 5
9. 3 2 1 4 5
10. 4 3 2 5 1

Ballots are shown in a randomly generated order.

[Download ballots in CSV format]

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