Supervisor: Ubuntu Community Council <>
Announced end of poll: Sunday 2024-12-22
Actual time poll closed:
Private poll (565 authorized voters)
Actual votes cast: 96
Number of winning choices:
Condorcet completion rule:    (What is this?)
CIVS Ranked Pairs
Bottom-2 Runoff

Poll description

Appointed for a period of two years. For more information see Ubuntu Membership Board Docs

Please rank all candidates in order of preference. Note: the top 7 candidates will win. Not just the top candidate, contrary to what this poll might claim.


1. Aaron J. Prisk (~aaronprisk) (introduction) (Canonical)  (Not defeated in any contest vs. another choice)
2. Lucy Llewellyn (~lucyllewy) (introduction)
3. Billy D. Quinn (~bashing-om) (introduction) (Retired), loses to Lucy Llewellyn (~lucyllewy) (introduction) by 44–39
4. Larry Tarvin (~wildmanne39) (Wild_Man) (introduction) (Small business owner), loses to Billy D. Quinn (~bashing-om) (introduction) (Retired) by 42–32
5. Mattia Rizzolo (~mapreri) (introduction) (Self-employed), loses to Larry Tarvin (~wildmanne39) (Wild_Man) (introduction) (Small business owner) by 45–37
6. Marius Quabeck (~marius.quabeck) (introduction) (Self-employed), loses to Mattia Rizzolo (~mapreri) (introduction) (Self-employed) by 46–40
7. Soumyadeep Ghosh (~soumyadghosh) (introduction) (Student), loses to Marius Quabeck (~marius.quabeck) (introduction) (Self-employed) by 45–35
8. Khairul Aizat Kamarudzzaman (~fenris) (introduction) (Informology Sdn Bhd), loses to Soumyadeep Ghosh (~soumyadghosh) (introduction) (Student) by 40–35
9. Bright Adams (~mrbite) (introduction), loses to Khairul Aizat Kamarudzzaman (~fenris) (introduction) (Informology Sdn Bhd) by 46–24

For simplicity, some details of the poll result are not shown. 

Result details

1. Aaron J. Prisk (~aaronprisk) (introduction) (Canonical)   -45 49 47 53 61 56 52 63
2. Lucy Llewellyn (~lucyllewy) (introduction)   45 -44 44 54 49 57 53 63
3. Billy D. Quinn (~bashing-om) (introduction) (Retired)   38 39 -42 43 49 47 47 50
4. Larry Tarvin (~wildmanne39) (Wild_Man) (introduction) (Small business owner)   40 39 32 -45 44 48 40 46
5. Mattia Rizzolo (~mapreri) (introduction) (Self-employed)   33 35 37 37 -46 47 44 54
6. Marius Quabeck (~marius.quabeck) (introduction) (Self-employed)   26 32 30 35 40 -45 40 44
7. Soumyadeep Ghosh (~soumyadghosh) (introduction) (Student)   27 31 30 32 36 35 -40 43
8. Khairul Aizat Kamarudzzaman (~fenris) (introduction) (Informology Sdn Bhd)   35 33 30 34 35 40 35 -46
9. Bright Adams (~mrbite) (introduction)   25 20 25 27 25 30 31 24 -

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