Supervisor: Cuddles <>
Announced end of poll: 2/30/2020
Actual time poll closed:
This is a public poll.
Actual votes cast: 188
Number of winning choices:
Condorcet completion rule:    (What is this?)
CIVS Ranked Pairs

Poll description


1. Pete Buttigieg  (Condorcet winner: wins contests with all other choices)
2. Joe Biden  loses to Pete Buttigieg by 116–62
3. Amy Klobuchar  loses to Pete Buttigieg by 159–20, loses to Joe Biden by 147–30
4. Elizabeth Warren  loses to Pete Buttigieg by 159–22, loses to Amy Klobuchar by 92–83
5. Michael Bloomberg  loses to Pete Buttigieg by 158–21, loses to Elizabeth Warren by 108–71
6. Tom Steyer  loses to Pete Buttigieg by 170–10, loses to Michael Bloomberg by 105–69
7. Bernie Sanders  loses to Pete Buttigieg by 166–19, loses to Tom Steyer by 135–43
8. Tulsi Gabbard  loses to Pete Buttigieg by 172–8, loses to Bernie Sanders by 132–37

For simplicity, some details of the poll result are not shown.  

Result details

1. Pete Buttigieg   -116 159 159 158 170 166 172
2. Joe Biden   62 -147 138 151 164 161 176
3. Amy Klobuchar   20 30 -92 117 146 150 170
4. Elizabeth Warren   22 42 83 -108 142 161 166
5. Michael Bloomberg   21 28 59 71 -105 125 153
6. Tom Steyer   10 16 31 36 69 -135 156
7. Bernie Sanders   19 26 33 24 50 43 -132
8. Tulsi Gabbard   8 5 8 13 17 13 37 -

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