Rank the civilizations alive from the start of Part 33 (including those who were eliminated in Part 33) from your favorite to your least favorite!

Only the single favorite choice will win the poll.
The poll ends 6/7/2022. The poll supervisor is NopeCopter (nopecopter@gmail.com). Contact the poll supervisor if you need help.

Give each of the following choices a rank, where a smaller-numbered rank means that you prefer that choice more. For example, give your top choice the rank 1. Give choices the same rank if you have no preference between them. You do not have to use all the possible ranks. All choices initially have the lowest possible rank.

 Choice Rank
Marajoara (P'kuee)
Chukchi (Lawtiliwadlin)
USSR (Lenin)
Lesotho (Moshoeshoe I)
Punjab (Ranjit Singh)
Vandals (Genseric)
Kulin (William Barak)
PARG (Kolchak)
Gauls (Vercingetorix)
Rio Grande (Antonio Rosillo)
Dene (Thanadelthur)

Rank the choices in one of three ways:

  1. drag the rows
  2. use pulldowns in Rank column
  3. select rows and use buttons above

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If you have already voted, you may see the current poll results.